
Fifteen Walden Degrees for Psychology and Counseling

Walden University appears in our ranking of the Top 5 Best Online Ph.D. in Psychology Degree Programs

Online on Blackboard, the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences grants a 180-unit, transfer-friendly BS in Psychology led by Dr. Patty Costello for Walden University undergrads with for-credit field practica like People Incorporated, optional two-week study abroad seminars, and the Service Learning Project. Chaired by Dr. Walter Frazier, the 2006 LPC of the Year, the MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling builds an 81-unit, CACREP-accredited curriculum with five specializations, such as Trauma & Crisis, Forensics, Addictions, and Military Families. The MS in Psychology starts its 48-unit, self-designed major under Dr. Sreeroopa Sarkar every 11-week quarter for seven concentrations from Educational Psychology to Social Psychology online with Track II research for doctoral prep.

Celebrating its 45th year, the School of Psychology awards a 98-unit, post-master’s PsyD in Behavioral Health Leadership directed by Dr. Tracy Senstock online where graduates can select concentrations like Health Psychology, attend two Minneapolis residencies, join Psi Chi, and complete a case studies project. Headed by Dr. Lori Lacivita, the Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology builds a 112-unit online sequence with four residencies and one coaching skills virtual intensive to prepare post-grads for the Board Certified Coach exam.

Additional Walden opportunities include the MS in School Counseling, MS in Forensic Psychology, MS in Developmental Psychology, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Ph.D. in Counselor Education & Supervision, Ph.D. in Social Psychology, and Ph.D. in Teaching Psychology.

About Walden University

Walden University originated in 1970 when husband-and-wife team Bernie and Rita Turner partnered with Dr. Harold Hodgkinson to create an institution centered on social change. In 1972, Walden graduated its inaugural class of 70 doctoral candidates in Naples. In 1979, Walden successfully sought authorization from the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board. By 1990, Walden University received its initial regional accreditation. In 1995, the MSEd in Educational Change & Technology Innovation became its first online degree. In 2001, Walden was bought by the for-profit Sylvan Learning Systems Inc. Three years later, its parent company was renamed Laureate Education Inc. In 2011, Honorary Chancellor and former US President Bill Clinton presided over Walden’s commencement. In 2013, Laureate Education Inc. started a $43 million initiative with Coursera to enhance online class availability. In 2015, Walden University became the nation’s sixth institution approved for competency-based education.

Generating $750 million, Walden University now enrolls 52,565 students from 50 states and 155 countries wholly or primarily online with 25+ clubs like Chi Sigma Iota plus nearly 125,000 volunteer service hours yearly for 90 percent alumni satisfaction. In 2019, Walden won the Online Learning Consortium’s Effective Practice Award. In 2014, Walden received a Silver Award at the 35th Annual Telly Awards for Sessions Episodes. Walden University accepted the 2019 ANCC Accreditation Premier Program Award too. The National Science Foundation honored Walden for America’s most African-American doctoral graduates. Washington Monthly ranked Walden the 19th best four-year college for adults. College Factual placed Walden as the 204th most popular psychology school. Super Scholar named Walden University the 13th smartest choice online. GI Jobs magazine included Walden among its 30 most “Military Friendly.”

Walden University Accreditation Details

On April 16, 2013, the Higher Learning Commission on North Central Association (HLC-NCA) Institutional Actions Council formally notified Walden University that the Level VI accreditation status was successfully extended through 2022-23 under President Ward Ulmer, Ph.D., who received the American Society for Engineering Education Fellowship. Located 409 miles east via Interstate 94 in Chicago, Illinois, this huge 19-state Heartland Region accreditor is recognized by the U.S. Education Department to evaluate Walden’s 17 baccalaureate, 37 master’s, eight specialist, 25 doctoral, and 60 certificate offerings. Further, the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) has reaffirmed Walden University through March 31, 2025. The MS in School Counseling was also accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) in April 2012.

Walden University Application Requirements

Getting into Walden University is classified “non-competitive” by Peterson’s because 98 percent of the 8,239 Fall 2017 applicants were chosen for easy acceptance. First-year students seeking the Online BS in Psychology still must hold a high school diploma or its equivalent. Admitted undergrads are typically adults age 21 or older. If under 21, students must transfer 60+ quarter units or have documented military service. International undergrads from non-English countries need a minimum 79 TOEFL iBT, 82 MELAB, 6.5 IELTS, or 53 PTE score. The College of Social & Behavioral Sciences only considers post-grads with regionally or nationally accredited baccalaureate education. Master’s programs will consider cumulative GPAs as low as 2.5. However, doctoral options like the Ph.D. in Forensic Psychology require specialized master’s preparation with GPAs above 3.0. Three years of full-time practice experience are strongly preferred. Taking the GRE General Test is required though minimum scores aren’t listed.

Walden University conducts admission on a rolling basis year-round. Applying three weeks before quarter start dates is suggested. Currently, quarters start on August 28th, November 27th, February 26th, and May 29th. Note the MS/Ph.D. in Psychology programs have field experience application deadlines of June 1st, September 1st, December 1st, and March 1st. For financial aid consideration, there’s a priority date of May 28th. Prospective College of Social & Behavioral Sciences students submit the Walden Application online for $0. Official transcripts are mailed to 7065 Samuel Morse Drive in Columbia, MD 21046. Supplemental materials, such as the testing reports, written statements of intent, reference letters, scholarly work samples, resumes, and video interviews, are attached. Contact (844) 767-9480 or help@waldenu.edu with questions.

Tuition and Financial Aid

For 2019-20, Walden University is billing Online BS in Psychology majors $325 per quarter unit. Undergrads cover the $150 technology fee each quarter. Four-year tuition and fees generally equal $61,225. Students can transfer up to 135 credits worth $45,675 for a $15,550 final price though. The School of Psychology charges MS cohorts $535 per quarter unit or $26,430 total. Choosing the 63-unit Applied Behavior Analysis specialization costs more at $34,755. The Human Resources Management Specialization incurs $29,790. The MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling is priced $465 per unit. Two pre-practicum labs cost $1,450 apiece. The 81-unit curriculum total is approximately $42,215. The MS in School Counseling charges $450 per unit or $38,150 overall. Doctor of Philosophy tuition is typically $585 per unit or $68,445 maximum. The Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology is cheaper at $495 per unit.

According to the NCES College Navigator, the Office of Financial Aid connects 38 percent of full-time Walden learners to tuition assistance averaging $3,885 each for $11.03 million combined. University funds include the David Capuzzi Counselor Education Scholarship, Jonathan Kaplan Excellence Scholarship, Dr. Ian Birdsall Scholarship, Tubman Positive Social Change Scholarship, Barbara Solomon Scholarship, Ann Riley Excellence Scholarship, Todd Benson Leadership Scholarship, and Advancing Public Health Excellence Scholarship. The Master’s Degree Scholarship gifts $10,000 annually to 20 post-grads with minimum 3.0 GPAs. The $12,500 Post-Master’s/Doctoral Degree Scholarship has a May 31st deadline for Ph.D. candidates to submit the required 1,000-word essay. Federal resources, such as the Pell Grant and Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, require FAFSA applications coded 025042. External programs, such as the AAUW Re-Entry Scholarship, Courage to Grow Scholarship, Return 2 College Scholarship, and SR Education Group Scholarship, can also apply.

Learn more about Walden University at the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences website.